Treating ADHD: A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Symptoms

Quick Clarification of Key Points

ADHD can typically be managed with either medication or behavior therapy. Treatment may also involve lifestyle changes, such as creating a regular routine and following a healthy diet.

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Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder which can be seen in children, adolescents, and adults. ADHD can result in behavior problems, learning difficulties, and social issues that lower overall functioning ability. At the root of ADHD lie deficits in inhibition — the ability to control impulses, emotions and arousal levels through self-regulation. Scientists have advanced several possible causes for ADHD with associated evidence but are still further researching as to why it occurs.

Historically, two camps have emerged in terms of ADHD: those that believe ADHD is an organic brain disorder resulting from neurobiological malfunctions; and those who consider it an environmental-behavioral phenomenon that primarily arises due to poor parenting or lifestyle choices4. Those in the latter camp view symptoms like impulsivity and restlessness as reflecting a lack of discipline or poor motivation. Both camps agree however, that diagnosis requires careful observation of behavior patterning over a long period of time as well as ruling out other potential causes such as anxiety or substance abuse.

At this point, advances in research such as MRI’s, PET scans and functional magnetic resonance imaging indicate that there is sufficient neurological evidence to support ADHD being primarily a brain-based disorder6. Furthermore, trends suggest the disorder has been on a steady rise since the 1960s even before the official labeling of the condition7. Clearly more research is needed but the evidence continues to accumulate in favor of ADHD being an organic brain disorder caused by neurochemical imbalances.

Although much remains unknown about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, existing data shows enough promise for greater understanding through further investigation into its neurological underpinnings. With this knowledge in hand, we can then begin to investigate treatment strategies that are best suited for managing symptom severity and achieving a higher level of functioning based on symptom management.

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Treatments Based on Symptom Management

It is important to understand Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in order to move into a discussion on treatments based on symptom management. It may be helpful to think of ADHD as an umbrella term for a variety of behaviors and learning disabilities that often overlap with each other, such as difficulty concentrating or self-control difficulties. The goal of symptom management is to intervene in the child’s environment and focus on addressing the weaker skills, while helping them build up a functional lifestyle.

This approach may involve using structure and routines, establishing better communication patterns and identifying family strengths rather than weaknesses. Strategies such as positive reinforcement, providing verbal reminders, role playing and practicing social skills may also help with symptom management. For older children, cognitive behavioral therapy can be used to treat the symptoms of ADHD. This approach helps individuals identify their own thoughts which are unproductive or ineffective, replacing them with healthier thought processes altogether. There is evidence that these strategies can reduce behavioral problems associated with ADHD and improve social functioning.

While treatments based on symptom management are successful for some individuals, this strategy may be inadequate for those that require additional help such as psychotherapy or medications. In particular, when one’s symptoms start interfering with day-to-day tasks at home, school or work, more specific medical attention might be necessary. Moreover, it is essential to be aware that treatments should always match the individual needs of the person; what works for some may not necessarily work for others. To gain further insight into popular medications available, we will explore the next section in depth.

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Crucial Points

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is an umbrella term for a variety of behaviors and learning disabilities that often overlap with each other, such as difficulty concentrating or self-control difficulties. To address these symptoms, symptom management strategies can be used, such as structure and routines, positive reinforcement, verbal reminders, role playing and practicing social skills or cognitive behavioral therapy. Medication might also be an option for severe symptoms that interfere with day-to-day activities. It is important to note that different treatments work for different individuals and should always be tailored to the person’s individual needs.

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Common Medications Used

Behavioral therapy is recommended as an initial treatment for children with ADHD as it has been shown to reduce symptoms of ADHD in up to 80% of cases.

Research published in 2018 found that a combination of behavioral therapy and medication works better than either intervention alone for treating ADHD in adolescents.

According to the Center for Disease Control, stimulant medications such as Adderall or Ritalin are commonly prescribed for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and can reduce core symptoms related to the disorder in up to 70% of cases.

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Non-Stimulant Therapies

Non-stimulant therapies are an alternative option for treating ADHD symptoms that don’t involve traditional medications. They can be just as effective when used in combination with other interventions, with few of the possible side effects associated with drugs. Commonly used non-stimulant therapies include psychotherapy, counseling, and behavior management techniques. These approaches help unburden the anxiety and stress caused by ADHD symptoms while helping people develop problem-solving skills they need to cope and manage their ADHD more effectively.

For some patients, psychotherapy may help improve self-esteem, build relationships, and modify communication patterns. Sessions may also focus on teaching relaxation techniques and breathing exercises helpful in reducing hyperactivity or impulsivity during moments of tension or stress. For children and teens, understanding the diagnosis of ADHD can help them modify behavior or understand why certain activities are important to do. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) helps target specific disabilities and behaviors, such as time management skills, that contribute to ADHD symptoms.

Counseling has also been proven effective in improving social skills and interpersonal relationships related to ADHD among adolescents. Community support networks can be developed through counselors, enabling individuals to derive meaningful outcomes from regularly scheduled appointments.

In addition to these psychotherapeutic methods, reinforcement-based strategies also show promise, such as providing positive feedback for desired behavior and using rewards for constructive daily tasks like finishing home assignments or participating in physical activity. Training parents to use positive reinforcement strategies at home is important for creating consistency between home life and school structure.

Overall, non-stimulant lifestyle changes are an invaluable approach in helping individuals manage their ADHD symptoms while introducing healthier habits into their life. Such treatments are often beneficial alongside a properly-prescribed stimulant regimen due to their lack of any long-term side effects often associated with conventional medications. Transitioning away from pharmacological treatment may be necessary due to a range of reasons – patient choice or refusal to take medications being one of the most common explanations – so it is essential clinicians are familiar with alternatives like non-stimulant therapies specifically tailored according to individual needs. As such treatments become recognized as accepted tools in managing the condition, we must now turn our attention towards other forms of treatment available for people living with ADHD: alternative treatments promising equally viable solutions for those seeking symptom relief without turning solely to trials involving drugs and surgery.

Alternative Treatments for ADHD

As an alternative to the regular medications and therapies used to treat ADHD, a few unconventional solutions have been proposed. The efficacy of these treatments is debated, however, so it’s important to research any potential remedy before giving it a try.

One such alternative is the use of fish oil supplements, as research has suggested that adding omega-3 fatty acids to one’s diet may improve the symptoms of ADHD. While this seems like a viable option, further research is needed in order to confirm how effective taking fish oil actually is for treating ADHD.

Another often-proposed solution is neurofeedback – essentially a guided meditation that helps people control their own brain waves. Some studies have found improvements in ADHD in those who practice neurofeedback, leading some researchers to believe it may be beneficial. Contrary to the results of these studies, however, other researchers have held the opinion that further long-term tests are needed before any conclusions can be made about the effectiveness of this treatment for ADHD.

Although these treatments remain controversial among experts, there are still some natural remedies available for individuals seeking relief from their symptoms without conventional stimulant therapy. From dietary changes to exercise and even vitamins or minerals, natural solutions continue to be pursued by many looking to treat their ADHD through non-medical methods. It’s important to note that none of these natural remedies have been scientifically backed yet, although they can still be potentially beneficial when used alongside more traditional treatments and management strategies. Thus, while looking into alternative methods, it’s advisable not forget about time-tested means of treating ADHD and its associated symptoms – including studying effective behavior modification techniques and developing organizational skills – as a means of improving one’s daily life.

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Natural Remedies

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Lifestyle Techniques to Improve Focus

Once natural remedies have been considered and potentially implemented, there are many lifestyle techniques to try in order to improve focus. Many of these methods are based on concepts such as mindfulness, stress relief, and physical activity. Teaching oneself relaxation strategies like deep-breathing or progressive muscle relaxation can reduce impulsivity and may help to keep symptoms at bay over the long-term. Exercise also releases endorphins which can make individuals feel better overall, aiding their efforts to practice self-control and manage their symptoms. Still, some believe that dietary changes can be beneficial for those with ADHD; for example, limiting sugar intake may reduce hyperactivity and fidgeting by stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Moreover, studies have found that using timers and setting achievable goals can help individuals with ADHD make progress on tasks without getting distracted. Similarly, breaking down complex tasks into smaller steps can aid even the most easily frustrated when dealing with daily chores or difficult assignments. That being said, however others might argue that any structure external from a person themselves will only lead them to become “dependent” on it.

By utilizing these methods and techniques while monitoring one’s effectiveness with the help of healthcare professionals or mental health specialists, individuals can find ways to cope with the condition effectively. With the right guidance and determination, managing distraction caused by ADHD is easier than ever; this leads us to the next step in our journey: exploring the effectiveness and potential risks of treatment options such as medication.

Effectiveness and Risks of Treatments

Treating ADHD requires an individualized approach that takes into consideration the various symptoms, age and developmental stage of the person, and environmental factors. One important step in developing this individualized approach is to consider the benefits and risks associated with different treatments for managing ADHD symptoms.

The effectiveness of any treatment must be balanced against its potential risks. Stimulant medications are considered the first line of treatment for many people with ADHD because they have been shown to effectively relieve symptoms in short-term studies; however, it is worth noting that their long-term effectiveness and safety have not been established. Some commonly reported adverse effects include insomnia, decreased appetite, irritability/anxiety/mood swings, headaches, dry mouth, dizziness and increased heart rate. Additionally, stimulant use can increase risk of abuse or dependence. Furthermore, research indicates that stimulants alone may not be enough to effectively treat ADHD; many individuals require additional behavioral interventions or other treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Non-stimulant treatments like atomoxetine are also available and effective for treating ADHD symptoms; however, there are still some unanswered questions about their overall efficacy and safety in children or adolescents. Atomoxetine carries a black box warning due to possible side effects including increased suicidal thoughts or behaviors in children and young adults up to age 24. All non-stimulants also carry a risk of liver damage so it is important to monitor liver function closely with regular blood tests.

Cognitive therapies such as CBT appear to be an effective alternative treatment for ADHD, particularly when combined with medication or lifestyle changes; however, access to qualified professionals trained in these techniques may be limited in many areas. Also, certain alternative treatments such as omega-3 fatty acid supplements have been studied in patients with ADHD but their long-term effectiveness has yet to be determined conclusively.

Considering the range of available treatments for managing ADHD symptoms—including medications, lifestyle changes, cognitive therapies and alternative therapies—it is important for clinicians and families to determine what works best for the individual being treated. An informed decision should take into account both the potential benefits and risks associated with each treatment option so that individuals can make decisions that will maximize their health outcomes while minimizing risk from potentially harmful side effects.


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association.

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National Institute of Mental Health. (2021). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Retrieved from

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2021). Adderall. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Retrieved from

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (2021). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Retrieved from

National Center for Biotechnology Information. (2021). Adderall. Retrieved from

Mayo Clinic. (2021). Adderall. Retrieved from

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). Adderall Abuse. Retrieved from

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